Information Gathering || Hackers Way


What is Information Gathering ?

Information gathering is the process of collecting as much information as possible about a target network, for identifying varioius ways to intrude a network or system. Information gathering is the first step of any attack on information systems. Here are the Top 10 powerfull information gathering tools available for multi platforms(Windows / Linux / Mac OS X).
Objectives of Information Gathering 
Collect Network Information
  • Domain Name
  • Internal Domain Names
  • Network Blocks
  • IP address of the reachable systems
  • Rogue websites/private websites
  • TCP and UDP service running
  • Networking Protocols
  • IdSes running
  • System enumeration 
Collect System Information
  • User and group names
  • System banners
  • Routing Tables
  • SNMP information
  • System information
  • Remote system type
  • System names
  • Passwords

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